Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I already Know

               I do not know much about the different developments of a baby, but I am learning from watching my baby, Sirus. Before I had Sirus, I knew that babies can typically walk before they are the age of one. Unfortunately, that’s all I really knew. Now, with Sirus, I have learned that babies have full head support by two months of age. I have also learned that they start actually smiling by around one month of age. I know that Sirus definitely knows who his momma is! I think that he has started to recognize people, as well. He is 11 weeks old now and growing like a weed!
                What I don’t know is basically everything else that is happens beyond 11 weeks of age. I still don’t know when about babies start to crawl, sit up, walk, or run around. I believe they start to crawl around five months, sit up around six months, walk around eight months, and run around ten months. However, I do know that all babies develop differently. Which was also another one of my questions: why do some babies develop faster than others?
I believe encouragement has a lot of beneficial factors to a baby’s development pace. If the baby is consistently encouraged to do something and is applauded when that goal is reached, they will probably develop faster. If a baby gets no encouragement and is not congratulated when they achieve something, they will probably not try that ‘stunt’ again. With having Sirus, I try to encourage him to hold on to a toy all the time. He is slowly getting the concept of it, but I don’t believe he understands what he is holding. He probably won’t understand what a toy is (another one of my questions) until five months of age. I am just estimating ages, I really have no idea.
How long should a baby breastfeed for? If I’m not mistaken, I am pretty sure up to one year old is very healthy to do. That is my plan – to breastfeed Sirus until he is one. His pediatrician thought it was very good that I was going to continue breastfeeding him until he is a year old. Another question concerning food was: when do babies start to eat solid foods? Considering babies need to have teeth (I think) before they have baby food, they probably won’t get their teeth until nine months old. That is just a shot in the dark; I don’t have the slightest clue when they get their teeth. I am hoping to learn so much more through this project. I am excited to learn all the steps my child is going to experience!


  1. You have good material here, but break graf 2 into multiple shorter grafs. Those shorter grafs will help you see where things can be tightened up. For example, you talk about grasping toys twice, once in each graf, and material like that ought to be combined and tightened.

  2. Alright, I just revised it and broke it up into paragraphs. Is this better?
