Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Example Essay Intro

               When those tires start spinning and the mud goes flying, you know you’re having a good time. With a big smile on your face, you grasp onto those ‘holy shit’ handles, and just can’t help but laugh away. As the view out the windows imminently disappears from the mud, you’re stuck wondering how much mud is actually left on the ground! Once things calm back down and everyone gets out of the vehicle, you glance at the vehicle. When you can’t tell what color the vehicle was supposed to be, you know you had a great time. However, it all depends on the vehicle you drive as to how much fun it can actually be. If you find the right mud hole and are in the right vehicle, you will have a blast. There are a few examples as to what a good mud vehicle should possess: a high enough lift, four wheel drive, and it needs to have good off-road tires.

1 comment:

  1. You're setting up a division essay where you give the ingredients, qualities, 'recipe' for a good mud vehicle. In an example essay, you do something different. You might give three examples of outstanding mud holes or three examples of particularly fun mudding days or three examples of superior mudding vehicles you've driven or three examples of mudder wannabes who got wicked bogged down and stuck.

    Something along those lines.
