Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Isearch Worksheet

What do you want to write about? 
Developmental skills and stages of a baby

What do you want to find out about your topic?
I want to know when babies begins to sit up on their own, crawl, walk, run, grab things, talk, etc…

What are your questions about the topic?
1. When are a baby’s eyes fully functional and can see everything?
2. How fast do babies gain hand-eye-coordination?
3. When do babies begin to form words?
4. What are the ages for when babies begin to crawl, sit up, stand, walk, and run?
5. When do they begin to learn how to use the toilet?

1. How old are babies when they can recognize faces?
2. Why are some babies developmentally faster/slower than others?
3. What is the best way to encourage a baby to keep going?

How does the topic connect to your life? Don't say 'curious' or 'interesting.' Or don't stop there anyway....
                Besides taking care of my two month old baby boy, I have never had any other experience with a baby. I have no idea when these certain stages happen. I am very curious of when these things typically occur. Especially with my fiancé/his daddy in the Marines – I want to know what might happen when he is around.

Give three reasons you like the topic
1. It personally connects to me.
2. It is information that I would like to know being a new mother.
3. I can carry this information with me during the rest of Sirus’s baby years, and possibly for any future children.

Give three ways your life might change if you answer your questions
1. I will be better prepared for when these developmental skills happen.
2. I will become smarter in the role as a mother.
3. It may open a possible career in pediatrics.



  1. Sure, that works. To make an isearch, you apply the research material you find to Sirus, whether it and he do or do not agree.
